DNS Blues
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My websites have been experiencing some DNS problems of late. DNS is the universal internet service that allows human-readable hostnames, like maria.kevinbasil.com, to map to IP addresses, like If you could hit the latter link, but not the former, you’re seeing the problem. Not everyone is seeing the problem.
In fact, it seems that the problem has to do with QX.net’s nameservers. Anyone using QX.net cannot get to my site at the present time. I’m hoping it’s just a caching problem. I would hate to believe that QX is blocking my site from their nameservers solely because I do not pay an extra $25 per month for almost the same service, with the name “Business” tacked on the side instead of “Residential.” That would be incredibly short-sighted of my dear ISP.
It seems that mailservers are having the same problem when sending mail to mail.kevinbasil.com, incidentally, so I may be missing mail. If it turns out that this whole mess is intentional, QX will never hear the end of it.