Of telephones and FUD
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This morning, I had to drag Chris Naughton, who had no reason to go into Lexington, out of bed to drive me to work because someone who did have a reason to go to Lexington is afraid of the telephone. Silliness. You’ve had 125 years to get used to the telephone, dude. Get with the program! When it rings, you pick it up and say, “Hello?”
On a similar note, a Google search for information on telephone phobia, actually a subset of socal anxiety disorder, reveals that upwards of 90% of the pages that come up ask for people to use the telephone to call for help. Umm. Hello? McFly? Anybody home? They’re afraid of it, stupid! That’s the problem!
Robin Gross: “I’d be happy to give my opinion to anyone who’ll listen, but they’re not listening. We were told our position was not welcome at this table.”
Andrew Orlowski: “Memorable phrase du jour belongs to O’Connor, who admits that revenue booked in this period was ‘not of the highest quality.’”