Kevin Basil (signature)

Joyous Feast

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Written by Basil on 11/23/2006 12:54 PM. Filed under:

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Joyous feast! S’prazdnikom!

For the National Day of Thanksgiving (US):
Troparion, Tone VIII
Today, we give you thanks for your bounty, O Lord, * as our fathers did in times gone by. * Be praised for filling our emptiness with yourself, * for blessing the works of our hands. * For all your favors glory be forever yours, * O Lord, so rich in loving kindness.

Kondakion, Tone VI
We give you thanks, Christ God, for all your earthly gifts. * Do not deprive us of your heavenly kingdom, * but, as you came among your disciples, O savior, granting them your peace, * come also among us, and save us.

For Saint Alexander of the Neva:
Troparion, Tone IV
You are the famous scion of deeply devout ancestors, O blessed Alexander, * and Christ revealed you to the Russian nation as a new and glorious wonderworker and divine treasure. * And so, inspired by faith and love, * we assemble today to celebrate your memory with hymns and canticles, * and we praise the Lord God with grateful hearts, * for he bestowed upon you the gift of healing as well. * Pray to him, therefore, on behalf of your homeland and ours, * that he will grant peace to the world, and to us his great mercy.

Kondakion, Tone IV
As Boris and Gleb, your ancestors, appeared in the heavens to promise you divine aid against foreign invaders, * so now, O holy Alexander, come to our aid, and repel those who assail us.
(Hymns courtesy of the Monks of New Skete, via O Great Mystery)

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