Kevin Basil (signature)

Call to Post

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Written by Basil on 11/14/2003 10:10 PM. Filed under:

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Today, we began the Christmas Fast. Although it actually begins on November 15, today is a Friday fast, making the Christmas Fast begin today for all practical purposes.

And I am so not ready.

As Joel mentioned recently, I have been facing a rough battle of late in the spiritual warfare. I will not give you specifics, but it comes down to the disjunction between trust and despair. Are God’s instructions for the human machine the best that I can do? Or is there goodness to be found in my passions? It’s the same old question our ancestors faced. The same serpent keeps sowing the same seeds of distrust — and I believe the lie, just like my ancestors.

In the midst of my struggle, I laid aside my daily prayers. I was weary and distracted, and frankly, I did not want to talk to God. This was not a coincidence. These past two weeks feel like a very directed onslaught against me. Not that I’m special, but I feel like Batman in the KnightFall series — I have had every one of my enemies thrown against me, and now I don’t have the strength to fight back. I’ll have a broken back soon. And now the fast begins. I am so not ready.

I am so not ready.

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2 Responses to “Call to Post”

  1. Karl Says:

    You’re not alone. The last couple of weeks have been pretty tough for me. And I’ve heard similiar stories of increased struggle, temptation, and warfare from others.

  2. Mr. Hibbity Gibbity Says:

    Hmmmm, common themes.

    I wonder what’s up?

    As a side note though . . . you need a Robin man! Or at the very least . . . a psychotic young man, whose father brainwashed him since his early childhood, to fill in for you . . . or . . . wait . . .

    Just remember . . . nightvision can be a detriment if used incorrectly. 🙂