Kevin Basil (signature)

Technological Terror

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Written by Basil on 05/3/2007 5:38 AM. Filed under:

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Star Wars: Episode IV | Technological Terror

With a hat tip to Binary Bonsai, I point you to this hilarious little piece about the irritation of mobile phones in movies.

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One Response to “Technological Terror”

  1. Tabitha Says: if only they could do something to discourage little kids from kicking seat backs, inadvertently pulling your hair every time they grab said seat back, eating popcorn out of a nearby stranger’s tub, and screaming while running after big brother on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the feature. I might have understood some of this behavior if I had gone to see Meet the Robinsons. But for crying out loud parents, why are you bringing preschoolers to see Spiderman!?! If one of my kids were to behave this way, they wouldn’t see the inside of a theater for at least a year. Of course, there’s only about one movie a year worth taking the kids to anyway.