Kevin Basil (signature)

On the Move, Aye

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Written by Basil on 12/9/2005 7:53 AM. Filed under:

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Aslan is on the move – Thu, December 08, 2005 – WorldTimZone

Timothy is back, and with a brand new look! Perhaps tonight two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will sit upon the thrones at Cair Paravel. We’ll see. I doubt that The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe will outsell King Kong, but I’m not sure it really matters. Of course, if it does do better than the giant ape…

Aslan is indeed on the move.

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4 Responses to “On the Move, Aye”

  1. Josh Says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this for months. Can’t wait until tonight when I’ll get to see it with the youth group. Cheers!

  2. Simeon Says:

    Just monkeying around, Aslan the ape-kicker.

  3. Mimi Says:

    I just read the entire Chronicles (for the first time) in preparation!

  4. Tim Says:

    Thanks for noticing, my friend. Hopefully soon I will be writing a bit about the differences between the film and the book.