Kevin Basil (signature)

Military Warns Combat Bloggers

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Written by Basil on 10/6/2005 6:52 PM. Filed under:

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Military Warns Combat Bloggers

“The enemy aggressively ‘reads’ our open source and continues to
exploit such information for use against our forces,� he wrote. “Some
soldiers continue to post sensitive information to Internet Web sites
and blogs. … Such OPSEC violations needlessly place lives at risk and
degrade the effectiveness of our operations.�

The thumb-rule given to Sailors in boot camp: “You’re here to defend liberty, not practice it.”

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One Response to “Military Warns Combat Bloggers”

  1. Tammy Nystrom Says:

    There is a time and place for free speech. Combat is not one of them. The importance of security and following orders is critical. Only a fool would think this wrong. Tammy Nystrom Army wife; Navy mom