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Kevin Basil

There is no need at all to make long discourses; it is enough to stretch out one's hand and say, “Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.” And if the conflict grows fiercer say, “Lord help!” God knows very well what we need and He shows us His mercy.
Abba Macarius

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Serenity Reviewed by Orson Scott Card

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Serenity – Uncle Orson Reviews Everything

Orson Scott Card, author of Ender’s Game, gives Serenity the most thoughtful yet gushing review possible for a professional fan.

Let me put this another way. Those of you who know my work at all know about Ender’s Game. I jealously protected the movie rights to Ender’s Game so that it would not be filmed until it could be done right. I knew what kind of movie it had to be, and I tried to keep it away from directors, writers, and studios who would try to turn it into the kind of movie they think of as “sci-fi.”

This is the kind of movie that I have always intended Ender’s Game to be (though the plots are not at all similar).

And this is as good a movie as I always hoped Ender’s Game would be.

And I’ll tell you this right now: If Ender’s Game can’t be this kind of movie, and this good a movie, then I want it never to be made.

I wanted to review Serenity myself, but I may not have the time. I may still, but nothing I can say will hold a candle to what Card has to say (and he says a lot more than the quote above).

Short form: It’s about the characters, stupid! (Card, after all, did write the Writer’s Digest book on character development, Characters and Viewpoint.)

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