Kevin Basil (signature)

Feel It

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Written by Basil on 02/14/2006 5:43 AM. Filed under:

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“Feel,” (iTunes) the first single from Chicago XXX, is now available from your favorite media outlet. Download it, play it, request it until your favorite DJ is deaf.

I haven’t figured out whose lead vocal that is. Lee Loughnane? If some other Chicago fan has a clue, help a brother out and leave a comment.

Update: “Feel” debuted in the number one position, which should surprise no one. It beat out such hits as “Troparion for the Sunday of Orthodoxy,” by Capella Romana, Chicago’s “If I Should Lose You,” cowritten by Burt Bacharach, and King’s X’s “Complain.” I’m talking about my own Top 25 playlist, of course.

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3 Responses to “Feel It”

  1. m Says:

    Lead vocal is Robert Lamm

  2. Basil Says:

    Wow. It really doesn’t sound like him at all to me, except in some parts. It almost sounds like Jason comes in on the chorus, and I can definitely hear Lamm come out on the bridge. But the vocal on the verse really didn’t sound like anyone in the band at all.

  3. Thomas Says:

    Yes, it’s Lamm. Get some of his solo work and you’ll realize it right away. Great song. Looking forward to the album.