Kevin Basil (signature)

AP News Coverage of Firefox

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Written by Basil on 11/15/2004 12:52 PM. Filed under:

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Surfing this morning, I found a bushel of newspapers and internet news portals all over the nation carrying an Associated Press article lauding Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer. “Firefox Browser a Good Alternative to Microsoft’s

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2 Responses to “AP News Coverage of Firefox”

  1. Nathan Says:

    Its actually a pretty good alternative to the Mac’s Safari, too. A lot of sites (including blogger) don’t fully support Safari, so I’ve gotten some expanded capabilities since installing it.

  2. Erich Says:

    Yeah, I like mozilla and use it most of the time. IE is improving itself in an effort to match many of the things Firefox does, but it’s getting a bit cluttery too in its effort to put everything out there in front of you. I’m sticking with the Firefox for now. I’ve been impressed by its ability to block popups as well as its overall simplicity and workableness, if that’s a word.