Kevin Basil (signature)

A Question for Alana

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Written by Basil on 12/4/2003 9:43 AM. Filed under:

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Today is the commemoration of the greatmartyr Barbara and the martyr Juliana. Alana, is this your patroness? Or is it another? I seem to remember a reference to Nicomedia at some point.…. Which one is yours?

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3 Responses to “A Question for Alana”

  1. Tabitha Says:

    Hi, Basil. Alana and Lianna share St. Juliana of Lazarevo. Her feast day is January 2nd. She’s a Russian saint from the Middle Ages.

  2. basil Says:

    Thank you, Tabitha. Her life is a fascinating study of devotion and piety exhibited in self-sacrifice, generosity and prayer. A life that inspires emulation, indeed.

    Holy Juliana, pray for us sinners.

  3. alana Says:

    Yeah, what Tabitha said!