Kevin Basil (signature)

The Bell Tolls

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Written by Basil on 08/5/2003 8:43 PM. Filed under:

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Recent articles on, like one on Reuters a few minutes ago, confirm that the Episcopal Church, USA, has approved Canon Robinson to be the next bishop of New Hampshire.

My grandfather was a priest in the Episcopal Church, USA, and I was an Episcopalian myself for two years. I left because I was trying to be Catholic Lite, and I decided that full-bodied Catholicism was better suited to my palette. I miss the Episcopal Church — but for all the superficial reasons: connection with Mother England, cool seals, excellent taste. My present Church has a tendency towards Byzantinism aesthetically — hell, we’re the reason the word exists! — but the faith of the apostles is secure underneath. It feels rather odd to think of Russia as a mother, but at least I don’t worry any longer about whether “Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier” is an appropriate invocation of the Trinity.

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One Response to “The Bell Tolls”

  1. James Says:

    Wow, they’ve really gone and done it. I just wonder what the result of this will be. Of course I think the ordination of women to the priesthood was expected to cause a lot of turmoil and didn’t; not as much as expected anyway. I think the continuing Anglican churches will gain a few more members (mostly clergy), as will Rome and Orthodoxy, but I think the average lay person in the pews will just say, “Hmm, isn’t that interesting.” All my opinion, of course.