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Kevin Basil

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

«— Creation Revisited
—» OCA Chancellor Relieved of Duties

Her Church

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Google Video: Her Church

Church website

Clifton has an excerpt from C. S. Lewis that is quite apropos.

Christians think that God Himself has taught us how to speak of Him. …a child who has been taught to pray to a Mother in Heaven would have a religious life radically different from that of a Christian child….

It is fascinating that it is written, in the 1960s, in a theoretical tone.

The “Hail, Mary” (Ave Maria) combines Luke 1:28 and 42 with an ancient Christian prayer; hearing it ripped and rewritten as a prayer to “the goddess” creeped me out.

Hat tip: Paradosis

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