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Kevin Basil

Here love truly does not seek its own, even if this be the salvation of one’s own soul.
Saint Marie Skobtsova of Paris

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Modesty is Sexy

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dark eyes peer through a black veilRecently, Dmitri challenged his readers to identify their guilty pleasures. Here’s one of mine.

I find the photograph to the right to be one of the most alluring images I’ve seen. Ever. There is something about modesty and head coverings that is very attractive. I can’t put my finger on it.

I do not dispense advice about whether women should cover their heads, a traditional practice for Christian women, for the same reason that I don’t tell parents how to discipline their children. (And women will probably never ask me for said advice for the same reason that parents do not ask me for parenting tips — namely, that I have no parenting experience.) However, I shall likely never be wooed to the position that head coverings should be universally put aside, simply because I think they’re so hot.

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