Kevin Basil (signature)

Serbian Tragedy

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Written by Basil on 11/2/2004 11:34 PM. Filed under:

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This screenshot of Paradosis showing sacrilegious iconoclasm says it all. His post on Kosovo explains more about the tragedy continuing apace.

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2 Responses to “Serbian Tragedy”

  1. Chris Dmitri Says:

    You should warn a brother before he clicks on a link like that! I have no words for that type of travesty.

  2. Erich Says:

    It’s actually a very common thing to see in Greece, Cyprus and various places in the Middle East. Many times when the Turks when on rampages and wanted to desecrate churches, if they didn’t have time to remove the icons fully, they just scratched out the faces, or even more eerily, the eyes. In many places that are now under Orthodox control again, the icons and frescoes are left in this condition as a reminder of what had happened. It’s actually something you see fairly regularly on Mt. Athos. What’s happening in Kosovo is a terrible thing, and it’s hard not to be sympathetic to the Serbs there. But it was also not hard to be sympathetic to the Albanians when the shoe was on the other foot. Unfortunately, these situations call for one community or other to “be the better man”, but it’s hard to get communities to act in such ways. Sacrifice and crucifixion are all that’s left.