Kevin Basil (signature)

Pride Cometh

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Written by Basil on 09/4/2002 8:35 AM. Filed under:

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Chris chastises me for being haughty. My dearest brother, I considered not posting that — though I had worked on it for hours (and you only think it was arrogant after all the crafting and revision I gave it). I considered sending it privately via email. I finally decided to blog it, because there are real people out in the world that you were attacking, the Kentucky Clay Rambler among them. Not that you care about him. I finally decided to blog it, because I found the tone appropriate for a reply to your own arrogance.

Please remember that the artist is not special. He also is a servant of God.

Perhaps some day I will write about the Reason (or logos) of God, and why it really is not something that we want to escape. But that is for another day.

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